Gro Flatebo - Writer
Writing Resources
Web Sites
Lisa Romeo Writes Web— Lisa writes and teaches in the New Jersey area and blogs about writing issues. Her Friday Fridge Clean-out is particularly good and offers great miscellaneous links about the writing world.
CRWROPPS— This Yahoo list serve offers opportunities to submit to publications and writing positions that are available.
Jeanne’s Writing Desk—While this web site has many of the same entries as CWROPPS, the format is more user friendly.
Duotropes— Duotrope’s helps you research publications and track your submissions. Their statistics are reliable and the best available to research selectivity, timeliness, and other resources for thousands of publications. They charge $50 per year but its worth the cost.
Bread Loaf Writer’s Conference— If you have ten days and the money, nothing beats this conference. Have dinner with the poet laureate, talk over structure with Pulitzer Prize winners and enjoy the beautiful Vermont surroundings. The instructors and people bring a diverse range of skills and opportunities. Bread Loaf will arrange opportunities to talk with agents and publishers as well. And who could turn down a chance to spend a week in Sicily through their Bread Loaf in Sicily program? This program doesn’t have the range of industry people there but it does offer an intimate setting to interact with the instructors.
Sanibel Island Writer’s Conference—Who doesn’t want to go to Sanibel Island in November. This small conference is able to attract a top-notch slate of presenters and workshop leaders.
Maine Writer’s and Publishers Alliance—For Maine writers, this organization offers a strong resource to help you connect with fellow writers, hone your skills and find the resources you need.
Grub Street—This Boston organization offers a range of classes, both in person and online. Their resources are widespread and helpful.