I was chosen to read for Rooted Narratives, a celebration of place, co-sponsored by Islandport Press and the Town of Yarmouth in 2024.

I returned to the Atlantic Center for the Arts in 2019, working with National Book Award finalist, Bonnie Jo Campbell.

In 2017, I spent three weeks at the Atlantic Center for the Arts with National Book Award winner Sigrid Nunez. Sigrid was an excellent writing mentor.

KGB Bar in Greenwich Village, I read with Stonecoast alums on January 4, 2018. 

I've attending the Bread Loaf Writer's Conference three times and have attended a residency at the Vermont Studio Center--all very stimulating opportunities to learn more craft and write.

The Avalon Literary Review published my first fiction piece (Spring 2014). A Muddied History recounts the story of a woman learning she has a half-brother.

Hunger Mountain, the Vermont College of Fine Arts Journal, published my essay about the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference. In 2012.   

"River Ice," a story of raising children amidst every day risks is included in the New Madrid Journal of Contemporary Literature (S 2011).   

Both the South Dakota Review and The Platte Valley Review included my essay about Australian dingoes. See it online at:  http://www.plattevalleyreview.org/Webpages/2011%20start/Creative%20non%20fiction%20A-K/Flatebo.html  

A micro-fiction piece called "Double Checking" was included in the fall 2010 issue of The Boston Literary Magazine   www.bostonliterarymagazine.com.  It was picked up by the Daily Flash 2012. I also have a quick review of Fraser Island Australia on Camptrip.com.  

A book review of "The Visiting Suit" was posted on The Collagist in their April, 2011 edition. I’ve reviewed over thirty books for  Kirkus Reviews.

I was Nonfiction Editor for Fifth Wednesday Journal, a literary journal out of Chicago. I worked on the journal for nearly ten years, first as a fiction reader. It hones my craft to read both fledgling and polished pieces.  http://www.fifthwednesdayjournal.com. 

My environmental work includes:
        Biodiversity in the Forests of Maine

        Maine's Environment 2002: The Choice is Ours.